
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blog Candy from Kellie

Head over to Kellie Winnell's Magnolia Down Under Blog to enter this candy.

Well tis the month of giving. And Lisbet feels the same ways as I do because when I asked her if she minded that I offered a personalised stamp as a candy she didn’t mind at all. A big thank you to Lisbet, she has been amazing to work with and check out her store HERE….

So you will be able to pick any stamp you see below, but of course only the ONE and it will be persoanlised to your liking, eg Name, Blog, Email…. Within reason…


I know, it will be VERY hard for the winner to pick just the ONE stamp…. But you can find more HERE… in my store…

What do you have to do to win? I have a couple of rules that I would really liked to be followed, as if they are not followed your link will be removed to make it fair for the people that have taken the time to do what is requested.

  • Either do a blog post or link this candy in your candy bar, OR both. If you do both it will double your chances as I am asking all that do both, to pop their name in Mr Linky Twice!
  • If you do a blog post could you please pop a direct link into Mr Linky to the blog post in question. And if you popped it in your sidebar, please leave a direct link to your over all blog.
  • In your blog post about the candy please leave a link back to this here post to share with everyone else.

That is all, you are welcome to become a follower but it really it not a requirement at all.

This candy will close on the morning of Saturday 19th of December 2009 and will be announced in my blog post for the next Magnolia Down Under Challenge on the Sunday 20th of December 2009.

Good Luck….

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