
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

May Arts Ribbon - The Best of the Ribbonistas Week

This week on the May Arts Blog, we are having the Best of the Ribbonistas week, and I've chosen some of my favorite projects to share with you.  Please hop over to the MA blog- look around, and leave some love - cause, you know someone is going to win some ribbon.  And you can't win it, unless you leave comments there.

Here's the lineup for the week -
Best of The Ribbonistas Schedule

And here are a few of my favorite projects from the past year.  


  1. Your Victorian ribbon weaving is beautiful!!
    <3 J

  2. Such lovely work.
    Great creations.
    Carla from Utah

  3. I love the basket and the birdhouse, so cute!

  4. So beautiful! I love the beautiful scrapbook page! What a beautiful photo! :) Jill
