
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Please Vote! Heartfelt Creations Design Team Semi-Finalist!

I've got wonderful news to share! I am a semi-finalist for the Heartfelt Creations Design Team :)
I've been privileged enough to serve on their team before, but you know, I can just never get enough Heartfelt Creations. You can see more  of my Heartfelt Creations projects by clicking here.

The HC Design Team is a two part process. I've made it through the first step, and now I will be making two projects using products that they send me.  There is also a voting process, so I would ask that you go check out the other semi-finalists and vote.  If I inspire you, I hope you will include me (Gini Cagle) in your vote.

Thanks for looking and thank you for your help!


  1. Congratulations and wishing you the best as you head into the final round.

  2. Gini, your work is beautiful! Congratulations on being a semi finalist, and all the best in the voting!
    Tracey Fehr

  3. You know who I'm pulling for...I love your creative works, your spirit and most of all YOU!!! Good luck EE.
