I am so honored to be joining the Imagine Crafts Artist in Residence Team for 2015! This is an amazing line-up of fabulous designers and I am thrilled to be included in this group.
2015 AIRs Project Team
Clare Horner (UK) http://gotpaintinmyhair.blogspot.co.uk
Heike Linnek (Germany) http://www.stempelkatzen.de
Isha Gupta (Switzerland) http://hobbyandideas.blogspot.com
Jowilna Nolte (South Africa) http://www.jowilnanolte.co.za
Linda Lucas (Australia) http://lovelylindascraftcentral.blogspot.com.au
Maureen Cronin (WA, US) http://cronincompanystore.com
Penny Ward (FL, US) http://www.pennywardink.com
Renee Zarate (MA, US) http://renee-boltonhouse.blogspot.com
Roni Johnson (US) http://inkstainswithroni.blogspot.com
Sylvia Blum (Germany) http://sylviastamps.blogspot.com
Taylor Usry (VA, US) http://taylorusry.blogspot.com
2015 AIRs Video Team
Baerbel Born (Germany) http://www.baerbelborn.com
Carisa Zglobicki (CO, US) http://www.inkyfairydesigns.com
Cathy Andronicou (UK) http://candronicoucardcraft.blogspot.co.uk
Gini Williams Cagle (NC, US) http://www.ginicagle.blogspot.com
Savannah O’Gwynn (FL, US) http://www.savannahland2.blogspot.com
Tina McDonald (NB, Canada) http://www.tinamcd-mysanity.blogspot.com